Why our e-learning solution is a perfect fit for your compliance awareness and training obligations?
Money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) can affect any organisation. The effects of ML/TF are severe and extensive. It can create global and local impacts on businesses,
The Travel Rule: Ground realities for your crypto compliance obligation
As the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) updates its AML/CFT guidance to include information exchange and knowledge transfer between Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) under
Abler begins business operations in UAE market
Abler, under the leadership of Mauritian entrepreneur Shahannah Abdoolakhan, has launched its operations in the UAE. Abler has supported multiple enterprises and corporate througho
Abler, the award winning AML/CFT company launches in the UAE
The company takes pride in nurturing an international business network Abler, under the leadership of Mauritian entrepreneur – Shahannah Abdoolakhan, launches its oper
Abler launches operations in UAE
Mauritius-based firm aims to provide businesses a comprehensive suite of AML/CFT compliance services. Mauritius-based Abler has expanded its operations in the UAE with an ai
Abler launches operations in the United Arab Emirates
Award-winning independent compliance consulting firm, Abler, based in Mauritius and led by Founder and CEO, Shahannah Abdoolakhan, announces the launch of its operations in the Uni
Régulation des actifs virtuels à Maurice : Abler Consulting se positionne comme partenaire de conformité
L’Afrique est l’une des premières régions du monde en termes de volume de transactions en crypto-monnaies. Sur un continent qui a déjà adopté l’argent mobile, la monnaie
Actifs virtuels : Abler Consulting se veut partenaire de conformité pour les entreprises du secteur
L’introduction de la Virtual Assets and Initial Token Offering Services Act 2021 est présentée comme une avancée pour le secteur financier. L’intérêt pour la juridiction m
Pensées sur les implications financières et digitales de la crise covid
Cela fait trois ans déjà que le monde subit les dommages causés par la pandémie de Covid-19. Alors que nous entamons une nouvelle année. Il est nécessaire de faire un bilan s
Immobilier & Construction
The recent steps taken by Mauritius in extending the AML/CFT legal framework to real estate agencies has taken the industry by storm. Shahannah Abdoolakhan shares how compliance p